Mr. Muhammad Khizer Aziz
Director General (IT Policy & Planning)
Mr. Muhammad Khizer Aziz has more than 27 years’ experience in Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) and Digital Electoral Technologies including 18 years’ service in the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). He has accomplished several IT technical courses from various reputed national and international professional institutions including leadership program from the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS).
Presently, Mr. Aziz is serving as Head of the Information Technology Wing, ECP. He was initially appointed as Director (IT) in October, 2004 and was later elevated as Director General (IT) in January 2012.
Accomplishments and Achievements:-
Conducted General Elections 2008, 2013, 2018 and subsequent bye-elections, all Senate Elections from year 2005 onwards and Local Government Elections 2005, 2015, 2017, 2022 and Presidential Elections 2008, 2013 & 2018;
Envision the idea of publishing Voters’ data on Short Message Service (SMS) using short code 8300 which gained national and international acceptance and appreciation by recognizing Pakistan as the pioneer of SMS service in the world. The International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) honored ECP with two International Awards i.e. ‘Use of Innovative Technology Award’ and ‘Accessibility Award’ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia dated 4th December 2013 during an international competition. The said service currently has about 122 million voters’ database available for over 175 million mobile customers across country.
Implementation of various Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) projects, Computerized Electoral Rolls Systems (CERS), Information Security, Result Management System (RMS), Geographical Information System (GIS), HR-MIS, Special Initiatives with use of Innovative Technologies (IVR, CMS, ORS, OMR, etc.) research & analysis, report writing, change management and SOP development;
Pilot Projects on Electronic Voting Machine (EVM), Biometric Verification Machine (BVM) and Overseas Voting using Internet Voting Systems which were also appreciated by the Commonwealth Organization in its Report published in March, 2020;
Briefings on Use and Role of Technologies to different national, international and diplomatic delegations, stakeholders, CSOs, iNGOs, NGOs, media including Pakistan Electoral Academy for Democratic Practices, Research and Management (PEADPRM), Federal Ministries, other government organizations, Universities, and different Committees of the Parliament;
Represented the country in various International Conferences, Seminars, Workshops in Belgium, France, South Africa, Malaysia, India, UAE;