Management Information System:

A new “Management Information System” has been visualized for Political Finance Wing and with this system:

  • Statement of assets and liabilities (Form-B) will be entered / digitized in the system for scrutiny and to match it with the previous statements;
  • Return of election expenses (Form-C) will also be authenticated in the same manner;
  • Similarly consolidated statement of accounts of a political party (Form-D) will be scrutinized to keep complete record of accounts of political parties.
  • Complete fifinancial profifile of all the political parties and parliamentarians backed up by scanned copies of all the submissions will be maintained.


Data Bank of all Focal Persons:

A coordination/communication mechanism with political parties has been devised by nominated focal persons from each political party. A Data Bank of all such focal persons with complete details is available with the wing for prompt and coordinated communication.


Statements of Assets and Liabilities (Form-B):
  • Comparative Analysis Statement

A comprehensive worksheet has been developed for the comparative study and scrutiny of the statements of assets and liabilities.

  • Instructions for submission:

Twenty four instructions/guidelines have been formulated for the facilitation of parliamentarians.

Declaration/ Certifificates:
  • Foreign Bank Account Certifification

Any Political party can not own any bank account outside Pakistan if so, the political party shall provide list of such bank accounts as well. The certifificate is to be signed by the head of the party.

  • Abiding all Laws Certifification

Political party fulfifils all the requirements as envisaged in section 200 of the Elections Act, 2017 and Election Rules, 2017 or any other Law for time being enforce debars it from enlistment with ECP

Political Parties Profile:
  • A profifile of all enlisted political parties have been prepared to provide an overview of the parties affffairs.
  • A database of Financials statements of parties account of all enlisted political parties have been prepared.
Improvement in HR Skills:

After the promulgation of Election Act, 2017 the Political Finance Wing has been created with a view to scrutinize the fifinancial statements, submitted to Election Commission of Pakistan. The Political Finance Wing requires specialized skills to oversee the fifinancial matters of political parties. The wing is bifurcated in two sections i.e. Confifidential and Political Finance Branch. Keeping in view the sensitivity of work cadre and professional/technical teams are made in line with the directions of the Commission.

  • Services of technical experts from AGPR are hired on deputation basis.
  • Comprehensive training and orientation sessions for 20 offiffifficers of ECP were conducted in collaboration with FBR to develop in house capacity at ECP for carrying out financial analysis of fifinancial statements submitted to ECP by Political Parties and Parliamentarians under the statutory requirements.
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