Mr. Muhammad Farid Afridi
PEC, Balochistan
Mr. Muhammad Farid Afridi, presently working as Provincial Election Commissioner, Balochistan, in own pay & scale i.e. BS-20. He completed his graduation from Islamia College, Peshawar in 1990. He completed his masters from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, in 1993 and completed M.Phil from Quaid-e-Aam University, Islamabad, in 1996. He joined ECP on 26-08-1997 as an Assistant Election Commissioner (BS-17). The service record of the officer during posting in different capacities under ECP is hereunder:
He assumed the charge as Assistant Election Commissioner (BS-17) Kurram at Parachinar from August 1997 to October 2000 and as Assistant Election Commissioner (BS-17) Mohmand Agency from October 2000 to July 2004, he prepared first computerized Electoral Rolls and successfully accomplished all tasks assigned regarding the conduct of referendum 2002 and General Election, 2002. As an Assistant Election Commissioner Khyber Agency from July 2004 to October 2009, successfully conducted door to door verification of Electoral Rolls and accomplished all tasks successfully regarding the conduct of General Elections 2008. As Deputy Director-Admn from 2009 to 2015, at PEC-HQ Peshawar, whereby successfully accomplished all tasks assigned regarding administrative and financial management in PEC-HQ, as well as field offices in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and for General Elections 2013 and Local Government Election Procurement and distribution of Election material in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
In 2015, he got promotion and elevated to the post of Director Election in PEC-HQ Peshawar and successfully completed all tasks assigned for the smooth conduct of Local Government Elections 2015 and various Bye-Elections. As Regional Election Commissioner BS-19, Lahore from 2017 to 2018, during the period worked as member of committee constituted for delimitation of constituencies for the conduct of General Elections-2018 as well successfully accomplished the tasks regarding verification of Electoral Rolls and arrangements for smooth conduct of General Elections in Seventy Six (76) constituencies of Lahore division. He performed duties as DRO in four (04) constituencies on Bye-Elections and also performed duties as polling officer in various senate elections in Punjab.
He was transferred as Director FATA in 2018 and he served there till April, 2020, and assisted the ECP for smooth conduct of first ever Provincial Assembly Elections held in FATA in 2019. Further, he performed the duties of Regional Monitoring Officer to supervise the overall election activities in all the sixteen constituencies, as well as successfully conducted the Elections as DRO in Orakzai Agency.
In April, 2020, He was promoted as JPEC-Elections in Sindh during the period of COVID and got transferred from Karachi to ECP Secretariat Islamabad, as ADG (Local Government Elections) in September, 2020. He assisted the commission to bring conformity among the six Local Governments i.e. in four provinces, ICT and Cantonments with Election Act 2017.
He was transferred to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in June, 2021 as JPEC-Elections where he served till April, 2022 and completed all tasks assigned for the smooth conduct of Local Government Elections. He assisted commission from April, 2022, to October, 2022 regarding the smooth conduct of Local Government Elections and various Bye-Elections for the seats of National Assembly and Provincial Assembly. Sucessfully worked as convener of Delimitation Committee, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
He also attended the National Management Course (NMC) from October 2022 to March 2023.
In March, 2023, he was transferred as ADG-(Election-I) where he served till 20th January, 2024. He assisted the Commission for the delimitation of constituencies of National Assembly and Provincial Assembly. He also assisted the Election Commission for smooth conduct of General Election 2024 and prepared the action plan for the smooth conduct of General Election 2024.
He was transferred to Balochistan as Provincial Election Commissioner, on 20th of January, 2024 till date. He assisted the Commission for the conduct of General Elections, 2024 and also assisted the Commission as Returning Officer (RO) to the reserved seats of women and minorities in National Assembly and Provincial Assembly of Balochistan. He assisted the Commission for the smooth conduct of Senate Bye-Elections on three (03) seats, Senate General Election, various Local Government Elections and Re-polls in various constituencies. He also assisted the commission for the conduct of Presidential Election.